Responding to Climate Change

Climate Change in the Mackenzie District

[NOTE: Although the online component of this work has closed, we are leaving this page open to keep the information available as we work through the further stages of the project.]

The impacts and challenges of climate change are here, in the Mackenzie District, now. As this century progresses, the effects of climate change will continue to grow.

We have already experienced how our climate is changing. We know, based on climate change modelling and following global trends, we will have more frequent and more intense extreme weather events, and increasing temperatures will threaten our unique environments.

Globally, human activities, principally through the emission of greenhouse gases, have unequivocally caused global warming of 1.1°C above pre-industrial levels. Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, water, and land continue to occur resulting in more frequent and more intense extreme weather events in every region of the world.

Mackenzie District projected mean temperature increase by 2100 from pre-industrial levels.

Developing our Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy and Plan

We want a future where everyone in the Mackenzie District is confident and safe. In the Mackenzie we already know that together we can solve difficult problems. We have history of being resourceful, clever, and resilient.

We are now beginning work on a Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy and Plan for the Mackenzie District to prepare and respond to the challenges of climate change. This will include information about changes that are likely to occur across the district due to the effects of climate change. It will define actions we will take to adapt and mitigate these impacts and information on how we will implement these actions. We will focus on climate and natural hazard challenges, but we will also take account of other opportunities to grow and develop our communities.

Our approach

The Mackenzie Climate Change Response Strategy and Plan will provide a practical strategy and plan to inform climate-resilient council decision making and actions over the next 30 years.

Working with mana whenua, community stakeholders, and project partners, the Strategy and Plan will identify the preferred options and pathways for the Mackenzie District to increase resilience to the impacts of climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

To inform the Strategy and Plan, a Climate Change Analysis and Literature Review has been done for the Mackenzie District to understand what is happening. Now complete, we want to hear from the community to understand what matters most in our climate change response, what can we do, and how we can do it.

Next Steps – What Matters Most?

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment:

Following the insights gathered in the Initial Insights Survey, we want to hear from you - what values and qualities across the Mackenzie District are vulnerable to climate change hazards and why?

Let us know your thoughts by completing any of the climate change hazard assessment questionnaires below. The questionnaires are intended to capture people’s perspectives of the impacts that different climate change and natural hazards may have on a number of values across the Mackenzie. The questions are primarily opinion based (i.e., low, moderate, high, very high), so answer using your judgement.

For first time users, to complete the questionnaire, please follow the below steps:

  1. Click a link below to open the questionnaire
  2. Click the 'Next' button in the questionnaire page to begin
  3. Next to the first climate change hazard, click the '...' ellipses to begin
  4. Click the 'Finish Categorization' button when complete.

Tourism & Conservation Hazards

Farming Sector Hazards

Infrastructure Hazards

Community Values Hazards

Climate Change in the Mackenzie District

[NOTE: Although the online component of this work has closed, we are leaving this page open to keep the information available as we work through the further stages of the project.]

The impacts and challenges of climate change are here, in the Mackenzie District, now. As this century progresses, the effects of climate change will continue to grow.

We have already experienced how our climate is changing. We know, based on climate change modelling and following global trends, we will have more frequent and more intense extreme weather events, and increasing temperatures will threaten our unique environments.

Globally, human activities, principally through the emission of greenhouse gases, have unequivocally caused global warming of 1.1°C above pre-industrial levels. Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, water, and land continue to occur resulting in more frequent and more intense extreme weather events in every region of the world.

Mackenzie District projected mean temperature increase by 2100 from pre-industrial levels.

Developing our Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy and Plan

We want a future where everyone in the Mackenzie District is confident and safe. In the Mackenzie we already know that together we can solve difficult problems. We have history of being resourceful, clever, and resilient.

We are now beginning work on a Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy and Plan for the Mackenzie District to prepare and respond to the challenges of climate change. This will include information about changes that are likely to occur across the district due to the effects of climate change. It will define actions we will take to adapt and mitigate these impacts and information on how we will implement these actions. We will focus on climate and natural hazard challenges, but we will also take account of other opportunities to grow and develop our communities.

Our approach

The Mackenzie Climate Change Response Strategy and Plan will provide a practical strategy and plan to inform climate-resilient council decision making and actions over the next 30 years.

Working with mana whenua, community stakeholders, and project partners, the Strategy and Plan will identify the preferred options and pathways for the Mackenzie District to increase resilience to the impacts of climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

To inform the Strategy and Plan, a Climate Change Analysis and Literature Review has been done for the Mackenzie District to understand what is happening. Now complete, we want to hear from the community to understand what matters most in our climate change response, what can we do, and how we can do it.

Next Steps – What Matters Most?

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment:

Following the insights gathered in the Initial Insights Survey, we want to hear from you - what values and qualities across the Mackenzie District are vulnerable to climate change hazards and why?

Let us know your thoughts by completing any of the climate change hazard assessment questionnaires below. The questionnaires are intended to capture people’s perspectives of the impacts that different climate change and natural hazards may have on a number of values across the Mackenzie. The questions are primarily opinion based (i.e., low, moderate, high, very high), so answer using your judgement.

For first time users, to complete the questionnaire, please follow the below steps:

  1. Click a link below to open the questionnaire
  2. Click the 'Next' button in the questionnaire page to begin
  3. Next to the first climate change hazard, click the '...' ellipses to begin
  4. Click the 'Finish Categorization' button when complete.

Tourism & Conservation Hazards

Farming Sector Hazards

Infrastructure Hazards

Community Values Hazards

Page last updated: 08 May 2024, 09:39 AM