Long Term Plan 2024 - 34
Consultation has concluded
Council's Long-term Plan (LTP) is completed every 3 years. It outlines the projects we intend to do, how we intend to manage our finances, and what the impact will be on rates over the next 10 years.
We want to know what you think.
All the feedback received will be considered before we finalise and adopt the plan.
The LTP is an important part of council's planning process. It sets out the services and activities that Council will provide, the projects Council will carry out, and the level of service the community can expect overContinue reading
Council's Long-term Plan (LTP) is completed every 3 years. It outlines the projects we intend to do, how we intend to manage our finances, and what the impact will be on rates over the next 10 years.
We want to know what you think.
All the feedback received will be considered before we finalise and adopt the plan.
The LTP is an important part of council's planning process. It sets out the services and activities that Council will provide, the projects Council will carry out, and the level of service the community can expect over the next decade. It also includes how much Council expects things to cost, how everything will be paid for and what it means for rates and debt.
This document highlights some important challenges facing our District. It outlines how Council plans on addressing them and how this will impact rates.
Please take a look at our LTP consultation document - you can find it to the right of this page. We want to know what you think. To leave feedback please complete our online consultation form which can be found at the bottom of this page.
The Issues We Need Your Feedback On
As we try to balance investing in our district with the affordability to the community of rates’ increases in a challenging time of cost increases, we are having to make choices on many matters. We want your feedback on any aspects of our plan. However, we have identified four key issues which have options for how we manage and finance them. We are seeking your feedback on these issues and our proposals. For each issue and option, we detail the impact on the council’s budget and the associated rates’ increases.
We have also included another general question, related to introducing user-pays for the use of our toilet facilities. We would also appreciate your thoughts on this. Then, if required, we can investigate its feasibility further.
The four issues are:
- Issue 1: Increasing visitor numbers – options for the cleaning of public toilets.
- General Question: Do you support the introduction of user-pays for our toilet facilities?
- Issue 2: Takapō/Lake Tekapo Wastewater Treatment Plant – replacement options.
- Issue 3: Bridge Renewals – with our largest bridge, the Cass River Bridge, overdue for renewal.
- Issue 4: Wilding pine removal to control their spread and mitigate fire risk on council-controlled land.
We want to know what you think. To leave feedback please complete our online consultation form, you can find it at the bottom of this section.
Submissions close on Sunday 23rd June 2024.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Who's Listening

Our Councillors will review all submissions on the draft Long-Term Plan. You can contact your local representative on Council for more information, or pop along to one of our drop in sessions.
Contact details for your local Councillor are on our website here.
Submissions Received
Written submissions can be found on the council website at:
- To open a single, large document containing all 208 submissions click on ‘Document’ on the top right. This may take a few minutes to download.
- To open an individual submission, click on the downward arrows on the right-hand side of the page until a list of links appears.
Consultation Document
Strategies, Policies & Other Documents
Accounting Policies (263 KB) (pdf)
Development and Financial Contributions Policy (217 KB) (pdf)
Fees and charges (536 KB)
Financial Strategy (585 KB) (pdf)
Infrastructure Strategy (2.86 MB) (pdf)
Rates Remissions and Postponement Policy (261 KB) (pdf)
Revenue and Financing Policy (287 KB) (pdf)
Significance and Engagement Policy (332 KB) (pdf)
Significant Assumptions (396 KB) (pdf)
Treasury Management Policy (393 KB) (pdf)
Drafting the plan
Long Term Plan 2024 - 34 has finished this stage -
Consultation opens
Long Term Plan 2024 - 34 has finished this stage24 May 2024
Consultation closes
Long Term Plan 2024 - 34 has finished this stage23 June 2024
Submissions collated and reviewed
Long Term Plan 2024 - 34 is currently at this stage24 June to 1 July.
this is an upcoming stage for Long Term Plan 2024 - 341 July 2024 in the Council Chambers in Fairlie.
Council adopts Long Term Plan 2024/34
this is an upcoming stage for Long Term Plan 2024 - 3425 July 2024
Contact Us
You can view a copy of the consultation information at our Council offices in Fairlie or Twizel, your local library, or call our office on 0800 685 8514 or email info@mackenzie.govt.nz to request a copy.
Please let us know if you need assistance - we're here to help.