District Plan Review - Stage Four
District Plan Review - Stage Four
Mackenzie District Council is reviewing the Mackenzie District Plan to ensure the district can grow in a sustainable way, while protecting the things that make the area so special. The District Plan Review is being undertaken in stages - click here to see the delivery plan. Stage Four of the District Plan Review was publicly notified on 5 November 2024. (click here for the public notice).
Submissions have been summarised, and the period for further submissions has now closed. Hearings are scheduled for the week of 26 May 2025 – click here for the notice of hearing.
To view the proposed plan changes, variations, and designations in the EPlan and planning maps click here.
To view the proposed plan changes, variations and designations as PDFs, notification documents, submissions, and submission summaries click the links below:
Plan Change 28 – Hazards and Risks, Historic Heritage and Notable Trees, Variation 1 to Plan Change 26, and Variation 1 to Plan Change 27
Plan Change 29 – Open Space and Recreation Zones, Noise, Signs and Temporary Activities, Variation 1 Plan Change 23, Variation 2 to Plan Change 26, and Variation 2 to Plan Change 27
Plan Change 30 – Special Purpose Zones, Variation 2 to Plan Change 23, Variation 3 to Plan Change 26, and Variation 3 to Plan Change 27
Rules with immediate legal effect
Rules with immediate legal effect
The rules in these plan changes do not have legal effect until decisions are made on submissions except all rules in the Historic Heritage and Notable Trees Chapters which have immediate legal effect upon notification. These rules are identified with a red ‘gavel’ icon and are highlighted with a red background in the EPlan.
Notices of Amendments of Minor Effect
These notices outline amendments made to the Plan Changes or the EPlan that are of minor effect in accordance with Schedule 1 Clause 16(2) and Clause 20A of the Resource Management Act 1991:
- Click here for the notice of amendments made on 12 December 2024
Background documents
To view the background documents related to Plan Changes 28 – 30, associated variations, and designations, click below:
District Plan Review - Stage Four
Mackenzie District Council is reviewing the Mackenzie District Plan to ensure the district can grow in a sustainable way, while protecting the things that make the area so special. The District Plan Review is being undertaken in stages - click here to see the delivery plan. Stage Four of the District Plan Review was publicly notified on 5 November 2024. (click here for the public notice).
Submissions have been summarised, and the period for further submissions has now closed. Hearings are scheduled for the week of 26 May 2025 – click here for the notice of hearing.
To view the proposed plan changes, variations, and designations in the EPlan and planning maps click here.
To view the proposed plan changes, variations and designations as PDFs, notification documents, submissions, and submission summaries click the links below:
Plan Change 28 – Hazards and Risks, Historic Heritage and Notable Trees, Variation 1 to Plan Change 26, and Variation 1 to Plan Change 27
Plan Change 29 – Open Space and Recreation Zones, Noise, Signs and Temporary Activities, Variation 1 Plan Change 23, Variation 2 to Plan Change 26, and Variation 2 to Plan Change 27
Plan Change 30 – Special Purpose Zones, Variation 2 to Plan Change 23, Variation 3 to Plan Change 26, and Variation 3 to Plan Change 27
Rules with immediate legal effect
Rules with immediate legal effect
The rules in these plan changes do not have legal effect until decisions are made on submissions except all rules in the Historic Heritage and Notable Trees Chapters which have immediate legal effect upon notification. These rules are identified with a red ‘gavel’ icon and are highlighted with a red background in the EPlan.
Notices of Amendments of Minor Effect
These notices outline amendments made to the Plan Changes or the EPlan that are of minor effect in accordance with Schedule 1 Clause 16(2) and Clause 20A of the Resource Management Act 1991:
- Click here for the notice of amendments made on 12 December 2024
Background documents
To view the background documents related to Plan Changes 28 – 30, associated variations, and designations, click below:
Plan Change 28 – Hazards and Risks, Historic Heritage and Notable Trees, and Variations
Notification Documents
PC28 and Variations - Overview Report.pdf (262 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 1 Plan Change 28 and Variations.pdf (1.14 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 2 Deletions - all Stage 4 Plan Changes.pdf (31.8 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 3 Heritage Overlays.pdf (225 KB) (pdf)
PC28 and Variations s32A Report and Appendices Part A.pdf (103 MB) (pdf)
PC28 and Variations s32A Report and Appendices Part B.pdf (11 MB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 01 Fuel Companies.pdf (163 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 02 Springwater Trust.pdf (2.02 MB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 03 Mary Murdoch.pdf (201 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 04 Peter Finnegan.pdf (125 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 05 James Leslie.pdf (196 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 06 Laura Batchelor.pdf (846 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 07 Dan Richards.pdf (301 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 08 Anthony Honeybone.pdf (784 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 09 Tekapo Landco Ltd & Godwit Leisure Ltd.pdf (3.25 MB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 10 Alex Lusby.pdf (446 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 11 Morris Hall.pdf (211 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 12 Grant and Natasha Hocken.pdf (42.7 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 13 Mackenzie Properties Ltd.pdf (42.3 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 14 High Country Properties Ltd.pdf (42.6 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 15 Elizabeth Angelo-Roxborough.pdf (1.29 MB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 16 Heather Capstick.pdf (523 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 17 John Capstick.pdf (375 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 18 The Burkes Pass Heritage Trust.pdf (4.25 MB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 19 Warren & Maree Frost.pdf (152 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 20 Michael Bunckenburg.pdf (128 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 21 Graham Batchelor.pdf (8.45 MB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 22 John & Joyce Kelly.pdf (253 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 23 Fat Albert Ltd.pdf (71.9 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 24 Peter & Janine Donohue.pdf (44.3 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 25 Kelvin Duncan.pdf (161 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 26 John Ten Have.pdf (176 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 27 Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga.pdf (1.16 MB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 28 John Eliott.pdf (917 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 29 Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tu Ake.pdf (1.42 MB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 30 Michael Beauchamp.pdf (124 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 31 Transpower New Zealand Ltd.pdf (928 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 32 Jason Wakelin.pdf (97.9 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 33 The Church of the Good Shepherd Tekapo Committee.pdf (133 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 34 Burkes Pass Residents Assoc..pdf (126 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 35 Chorus, Connexa, FortySouth, One NZ & Spark.pdf (352 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 36 Fairlie & Districts Residents & Ratepayers Soc. Inc..pdf (714 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 37 Elizabeth Shadbolt.pdf (145 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 38 Philip Quelch.pdf (80.5 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 39 Meridian Energy Limited.pdf (432 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 40 Jim Allan.pdf (87.9 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 41 Brent Lovelock.pdf (130 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 42 Director-General of Conservation.pdf (206 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 43 The Church Property Trustees.pdf (156 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 44 Janette Kear.pdf (437 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 45 NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi.pdf (252 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 46 Genesis Energy Ltd.pdf (211 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 47 Chris White.pdf (1.54 MB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 48 Nick Ashley.pdf (50.6 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 49 John Emery.pdf (141 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 50 Canterbury Regional Council.pdf (452 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 51 Caroline Thomson.pdf (641 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 52 Susan Allan.pdf (406 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 53 Alistair Shearer.pdf (126 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 54 Robyn Thomson.pdf (815 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 55 Gary Burrowes.pdf (947 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 56 Nova Energy Limited.pdf (601 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 57 Andrew Hocken.pdf (129 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 58 Brent Mander.pdf (45.9 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 59 Rachel Trumper.pdf (77.4 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 60 Associate Professor Anna Carr(PhD).pdf (135 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 61 Julie Hadfield.pdf (4.29 MB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 62 Julie Greig & Jan Zyzalo.pdf (52.1 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 63 Neville Cunningham.pdf (78.4 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 64 Opuha Water Limited.pdf (363 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Submission 65 New Zealand Defence Force.pdf (301 KB) (pdf)
Summary of Submissions
Submitter Contact List
Further Submissions
PC28 Further Submission 01 The Burkes Pass Heritage Trust.pdf (84.6 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Further Submission 02 Lionel Green Anthony Knowles as Trustees of the Lionel Green Family Trust.pdf (348 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Further Submission 03 Fuel Companies.pdf (113 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Further Submission 04 Meridian Energy Limited.pdf (311 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Further Submission 05 Genesis Energy Limited.pdf (151 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Further Submission 06 New Zealand Defence Force.pdf (248 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Further Submission 07 - The Church Property Trustees.pdf (81 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Further Submission 08 Canterbury Regional Council.pdf (219 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Further Submission 09 Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga.pdf (856 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Further Submission 10 Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tu Ake.pdf (246 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Further Submission 11 The Wolds Station Limited.pdf (88.8 KB) (pdf)
PC28 Further Submission 12 Bronwen Murray.pdf (1.17 MB) (pdf)
Plan Change 29 – Open Space and Recreation Zones, Noise, Signs and Temporary Activities, and Variations
Notification Documents
PC29 Submission 01 Wendy Marshall.pdf (127 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 02 Graham White.pdf (840 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 03 Bruce & Janice Cowan.pdf (127 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 04 New Zealand Agricultural Aviation Association.pdf (265 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 05 New Zealand Helicopter Association.pdf (247 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 06 Pamela & Alister Busbridge.pdf (127 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 07 Frank Hocken.pdf (959 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 08 Deborah Langford.pdf (130 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 09 Nicki McMillan.pdf (697 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 10 Tekapo Landco Ltd & Godwit Leisure Ltd.pdf (3.24 MB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 11 Ross and Sue Polson.pdf (131 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 12 Peter McNab.pdf (130 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 13 Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga.pdf (786 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 14 Transpower New Zealand Ltd.pdf (928 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 15 Chorus, Connexa, FortySouth, One NZ & Spark.pdf (352 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 16 Stephanie Polson.pdf (1.58 MB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 17 Fairlie & Districts Residets & Ratepayers Soc Inc.pdf (714 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 18 Meridian Energy Limited.pdf (432 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 19 Director General of Conservation.pdf (198 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 20 NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi.pdf (252 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 21 Genesis Energy Ltd.pdf (211 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 22 Canterbury Regional Council.pdf (452 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 23 Nova Energy Limited.pdf (601 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 24 Totally Tourism Ltd.pdf (198 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 25 Richard Geary.pdf (441 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 26 Queenstown Commercial Parapenters Ltd.pdf (1.22 MB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 27 Zero Invasive Predators.pdf (359 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 28 Opuha Water Limited.pdf (363 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 29 Tekapo Springs Ltd.pdf (2.81 MB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 30 New Zealand Defence Force.pdf (301 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Submission 31 Gary Burrowes.pdf (949 KB) (pdf)
Summary of Submissions
Submitter Contact List
Further Submissions
PC29 Further Submission 01 New Zealand Agricultural Aviation Association.pdf (246 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Further Submission 02 New Zealand Helicopter Association.pdf (246 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Further Submission 03 Meridian Energy Limited.pdf (311 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Further Submission 04 Genesis Energy Limited.pdf (151 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Further Submission 05 Tekapo Landco Ltd Godwit Leisure Ltd.pdf (1.14 MB) (pdf)
PC29 Further Submission 06 Tekapo Landco Ltd Godwit Leisure Ltd.pdf (1.03 MB) (pdf)
PC29 Further Submission 07 New Zealand Defence Force.pdf (248 KB) (pdf)
PC29 Further Submission 08 Director-General of Conservation.pdf (187 KB) (pdf)
Plan Change 30 – Special Purpose Zones, and Variations
Notification Documents
PC30 Submission 01 Pukaki Tourism Holdings Ltd Partnership & Pukaki Village Holdings Ltd.pdf (189 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 02 Heliventures New Zealand Limited.pdf (1.95 MB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 03 Timothy Rayward.pdf (3.85 MB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 04 Tekapo Landco Ltd & Godwit Leisure Ltd.pdf (3.24 MB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 05 Forest and Bird.pdf (423 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 06 Glentanner Airport Ltd, Glentanner Station Ltd.pdf (951 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 07 Glentanner Park Ltd, Glentanner Ltd.pdf (972 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 08 Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga.pdf (785 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 09 Transpower New Zealand Ltd.pdf (928 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 10 Meridian Energy Limited.pdf (432 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 11 Director General of Conservation.pdf (243 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 12 NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi.pdf (252 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 13 Canterbury Regional Council.pdf (452 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 14 Nova Energy Limited.pdf (601 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 15 Tekapo Springs Ltd.pdf (2.81 MB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 16 New Zealand Defence Force.pdf (301 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 17 Gary Burrowes.pdf (956 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Submission 18 Robin McCarthy.pdf (12.4 MB) (pdf)
Summary of Submissions
Submitter Contact List
Further Submissions
PC30 Further Submission 01 Frank Hocken.pdf (5.32 MB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 02 James Leslie.pdf (1.93 MB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 03 Dr Michael Speck.pdf (324 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 04 Meridian Energy Limited.pdf (311 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 05 Pukaki Tourism Holdings Ltd Pukaki Village Holdings Ltd.pdf (1.66 MB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 06 Tekapo Landco Ltd Godwit Leisure Ltd.pdf (1.13 MB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 07 Glentanner Airport Ltd Glentanner Station Ltd.pdf (762 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 08 Glentanner Airport Ltd Glentanner Station Ltd.pdf (805 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 09 Glentanner Airport Ltd Glentanner Station Ltd.pdf (581 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 10 Glentanner Park Ltd Glentanner Ltd.pdf (1.15 MB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 11 Glentanner Park Ltd Glentanner Ltd.pdf (1.11 MB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 12 Glentanner Park Ltd Glentanner Ltd.pdf (1.06 MB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 13 Director General of Conservation.pdf (188 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 14 Air Safaris Services (NZ) Ltd.pdf (155 KB) (pdf)
PC30 Further Submission 15 Rayward Aviation Ltd.pdf (154 KB) (pdf)
Notification Documents
Designations Submission 01 Mackenzie District Council.pdf (350 KB) (pdf)
Designations Submission 02 Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga.pdf (889 KB) (pdf)
Designations Submission 03 Transpower New Zealand Ltd.pdf (928 KB) (pdf)
Designations Submission 04 NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi.pdf (1 MB) (pdf)
Designations Submission 05 Canterbury Regional Council.pdf (452 KB) (pdf)
Designations Submission 06 Nova Energy Limited.pdf (601 KB) (pdf)
Designations Submission 07 New Zealand Defence Force.pdf (301 KB) (pdf)
Summary of Submissions
Submitter Contact List
Project timeline
Consultation phase one - Begin the conversation (July/August)
District Plan Review - Stage Four has finished this stage -
Consultation phase two – Early consultation (September)
District Plan Review - Stage Four has finished this stage -
Feedback analysis and preferred options development (October 2023 - May 2024)
District Plan Review - Stage Four has finished this stage -
Consultation phase three – targeted engagement (8 July - 2 August 2024)
District Plan Review - Stage Four has finished this stage -
Drafting Plan Changes Provisions (July- October 2024)
District Plan Review - Stage Four has finished this stage -
Council Approval to notify Plan Changes (October 2024)
District Plan Review - Stage Four has finished this stage -
Formal Notification of Plan Changes (November 2024)
District Plan Review - Stage Four has finished this stage -
Formal Resource Management Act Consultative Process Begins
District Plan Review - Stage Four is currently at this stage
Preferred Approach Reports
Preferred Approach - Historic Heritage.pdf (733 KB) (pdf)
Preferred Approach Report - Notable Trees.pdf (5.78 MB) (pdf)
Preferred Approach Report - Hazards and Risks.pdf (2.86 MB) (pdf)
Preferred Approach Report - Open Space and Recreation Zones.pdf (618 KB) (pdf)
Preferred Approach Report - Noise.pdf (404 KB) (pdf)
Preferred Approach Report - Signs.pdf (543 KB) (pdf)
Preferred Approach Report - Temporary Activities.pdf (400 KB) (pdf)
Preferred Approach - Glentanner.pdf (1.03 MB) (pdf)
Preferred Approach - Pukaki Downs.pdf (509 KB) (pdf)
Preferred Approach - Pukaki Village.pdf (688 KB) (pdf)
Appendix A - Landscape-Ecology Report Pukaki Village.pdf (5.83 MB) (pdf)
Preferred Approach - Special Purpose Airport Zone.pdf (908 KB) (pdf)
Information Report - Designations.pdf (368 KB) (pdf)
Preferred Approach - Road Metals.pdf (204 KB) (pdf)
Background Discussion Papers
Notable Trees - Background Discussion Paper (373 KB) (pdf)
Open Space Zones - Background Discussion Paper (637 KB) (pdf)
Open Space Appendix 1 - Maps (16.4 MB) (pdf)
Noise - Background Discussion Paper (370 KB) (pdf)
Signs - Background Discussion Document (412 KB) (pdf)
Temporary Activities - Background Discussion Document (442 KB) (pdf)
Pukaki Downs Tourist Zone - Background Discussion Paper (462 KB) (pdf)
Pukaki Village Zone - Background Discussion Paper (521 KB) (pdf)
Tourist G and Open Space G - Background Discussion Paper (801 KB) (pdf)
Airport Zone - Background Discussion Paper (700 KB) (pdf)
Designations - Background Discussion Document (345 KB) (pdf)
MDC DPR Delivery Plan Nov 2023 (108 KB) (pdf)
Survey Report - Stage four round two.pdf (818 KB) (pdf)
Public Notice
Further Submissions Forms
Summary Fact Sheets
Fact Sheets
DPR - Stage Four PC 28 Historic Heritage.pdf (1.42 MB) (pdf)
DPR - Stage Four PC 28 Notable Trees.pdf (1010 KB) (pdf)
DPR - Stage Four PC 28 Natural Hazards & Risks – Part One.pdf (2.35 MB) (pdf)
DPR - Stage Four PC 28 Natural Hazards & Risks – Part Two.pdf (1.67 MB) (pdf)
DPR - Stage Four PC 29 Open Space & Recreation Zones.pdf (1.98 MB) (pdf)
DPR - Stage Four PC 29 Signs.pdf (515 KB) (pdf)
DPR - Stage Four PC 29 Noise.pdf (675 KB) (pdf)
DPR - Stage Four PC 29 Temporary Activities.pdf (1.31 MB) (pdf)
DPR - Stage Four PC 30 Special Purpose Zones.pdf (1.1 MB) (pdf)
DPR - Stage Four PC 30 Airports.pdf (814 KB) (pdf)
DPR - Stage Four Designations.pdf (579 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel Reports
Direction of Travel Reports
Direction of Travel - Historic Heritage .pdf (757 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Historic Heritage - Heritage Assessment - 04 07 2024.pdf (8.03 MB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Notable Trees.pdf (197 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Notable Tree Attachement A Treetech Assessments Report.pdf (800 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Notable Trees - Attachment B Outcomes for Councillor suggestions.pdf (126 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Natural Hazards and Risks.pdf (285 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Natural Hazards and Risks Attachment A Geotechnical Report.pdf (16.2 MB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Open Space & Recreation Zones.pdf (594 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - OS&R Zones App 1 - Lake Ruataniwha Rowing Area ODP 02.05.pdf (142 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Noise.pdf (244 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Noise App 1 - AES Report June 2024.pdf (488 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Signs.pdf (186 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Temporary Activities.pdf (204 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Special Purpose Zones.pdf (929 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Special Purpose Airport Zone.pdf (219 KB) (pdf)
Direction of Travel - Designations.pdf (197 KB) (pdf)